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About the authors
Prenatal screening & diagnosis
Non invasive prenatal test / screening (NIPT/NIPS)
One Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for Down’s syndrome (OSCAR)
Mid-trimester biochemical screening
Invasive procedures: chorionic villus sampling / Amniocentesis
Developmental milestones
Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan
1st trimester morphology scan
2nd trimester morphology scan
Fetal biometry
Doppler ultrasound
Ultrasound markers & abnormalities
General obstetrics
Mode of delivery & women’s choice
Best timing of elective caesarean section
Induction of labour
Epidural analgesia
Group B streptococcus (GBS) screening
Nuchal cord (Cord round neck)
Maternal nutrition and supplementation
5 key nutrients for healthy pregnancy
Sleeping position in pregnancy
Leg cramps in pregnancy
Air Travel in pregnancy
Alcohol in pregnancy
Exercise in pregnancy
Guidelines for exercises in pregnancy
Swimming in pregnancy
Maternal fear associated with pregnancy and childbirth
whooping cough and vaccination
Pregnancy complications
Cervical incompetence & short cervix
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
Intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR)
Early pregnancy complications
Management of miscarriage
Ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy of unknown location
Medical problems
Covid-19 infection in pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy
Twins – Classification and diagnosis
Specific risks of monochorionic twin pregnancies
General consideration for twin pregnancies
Multi-fetal reduction and selective feticide
Breast feeding
Preparation of breast feeding in pregnancy
The fear of inadequate milk production
Breast engorgement
Cup Feeding- an alternate method of feeding
Menstrual problems & menopause
Normal menstruation
Cervical smear & HPV
Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination
Uterine fibroid (leiomyoma)
Cancer of cervix
Cancer of ovary
Cancer of uterus
Pelvic pain
Common Q&A
Useful links
Tuesday, March 18th, 2025
5 key nutrients for healthy pregnancy
Aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA):
Absence of fetal nasal bone/ hypoplastic nasal bone
Air Travel in pregnancy
Antenatal Group B streptococcus screening
Arthrogyprosis multiplex congenita (AMC).
Best timing of elective caesarean section
Breast engorgement
Cervical cancer
Cervical incompetence
Choroid plexus cyst (CPC)
Club foot (Congenital Talipes equinovarus)
Common Q&A
Covid-19 infection in pregnancy
Cup Feeding- an alternate method of feeding
Developmental milestones
Dilated renal pelvis
Do we need a licence for parenting?
Doppler ultrasound
Echogenic bowel
Echogenic intracardiac focus
Endometrial cancer
Epidural analgesia
Exercise in pregnancy
Exposure of alcohol in pregnancy:
Face and orbit
Facial Cleft
Fetal biometry
First trimester combined nuchal translucency and biochemical screening (OSCAR)
First Trimester Fetal Morphology Scan
General consideration for twin pregnancies
Gestational diabetes
Gynaecology – Tumour – article summaries
Having a baby after 3 consecutive miscarriages
Head and brain
Heart and thorax
Heavy menstruation (Menorrhagia)
Home Page
How to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy?
Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination
Induction of labour
Induction of labour
Intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR)
Invasive prenatal diagnosis: Chorionic villous sampling and amniocentesis
Leg cramps in pregnancy
Management of miscarriage
Maternal fear associated with pregnancy and childbirth
Mid-trimester biochemical screening
Multi-fetal reduction and selective feticide
Non-invasive Prenatal Testing/ Screening (NIPT/ NIPS)
Normal menstruation
Not enough breast milk
Nuchal cord (Cord round neck)
Nuchal translucency ultrasound
Obstetrics – General obstetrics – article summaries
Omplaocele (also called ‘Exomphalos’)
Ovarian cancer
Persistent left superior vena cava
Persistent right umbilical vein
Pregnancy of unknown location
Routine fetal morphology scan
Severe menstrual pain or heavy blood loss at your period: could be due to adenomyosis!
Single umbilical artery (SUA):
Skeletal system
Sleeping position – do pregnant women have to sleep on the left side only?
Specific risks of monochorionic twin pregnancies
Swimming in pregnancy
The choice between a trial of vaginal birth or elective caesarean section
Timing of elective caesarean section and wet lung syndrome
Twins – Classification and diagnosis
Ultrasound markers & abnormalities
Under construction
Under construction
Useful Links
Uterine fibroid (leiomyoma)
Uterine fibroid(s) in pregnancy
Ventriculomegaly of the fetal brain
whooping cough and vaccination
中文 (香港)
Search for:
About the authors
Prenatal screening & diagnosis
Non invasive prenatal test / screening (NIPT/NIPS)
One Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for Down’s syndrome (OSCAR)
Mid-trimester biochemical screening
Invasive procedures: chorionic villus sampling / Amniocentesis
Developmental milestones
Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan
1st trimester morphology scan
2nd trimester morphology scan
Fetal biometry
Doppler ultrasound
Ultrasound markers & abnormalities
General obstetrics
Mode of delivery & women’s choice
Best timing of elective caesarean section
Induction of labour
Epidural analgesia
Group B streptococcus (GBS) screening
Nuchal cord (Cord round neck)
Maternal nutrition and supplementation
5 key nutrients for healthy pregnancy
Sleeping position in pregnancy
Leg cramps in pregnancy
Air Travel in pregnancy
Alcohol in pregnancy
Exercise in pregnancy
Guidelines for exercises in pregnancy
Swimming in pregnancy
Maternal fear associated with pregnancy and childbirth
whooping cough and vaccination
Pregnancy complications
Cervical incompetence & short cervix
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
Intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR)
Early pregnancy complications
Management of miscarriage
Ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy of unknown location
Medical problems
Covid-19 infection in pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy
Twins – Classification and diagnosis
Specific risks of monochorionic twin pregnancies
General consideration for twin pregnancies
Multi-fetal reduction and selective feticide
Breast feeding
Preparation of breast feeding in pregnancy
The fear of inadequate milk production
Breast engorgement
Cup Feeding- an alternate method of feeding
Menstrual problems & menopause
Normal menstruation
Cervical smear & HPV
Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination
Uterine fibroid (leiomyoma)
Cancer of cervix
Cancer of ovary
Cancer of uterus
Pelvic pain
Common Q&A
Useful links
Face and orbit